Tag Archives: Hebrews 11:16

77 Questions about the Atonement (Q&A #62)

62.     “Why should I gain from His reward?”

Jesus had an ancient right as prophesied Messiah of Israel to have royal heirs to enjoy his inheritance along with him.  However, because he was viciously, although only temporarily, deprived of it by his horrible, premature death, God found it graciously fitting to do something extra special in order to show His power to overcome what was otherwise an impossible plight and thereby to give us expectancy that He will fulfill His promises to us as well.  Jesus’ right to have a family and heirs is our ticket to sonship so that he gets to see descendants and lengthen his days to enjoy his allotment from God along with us!  Because of his right to have children, we have a right to become daughters and sons on any condition he lays down, and he chose the unpretentious condition of simple faith—a natural faculty anyone created in the image of God can exercise, given sufficient proof, of course, which His Holy Spirit has happily supplied via the persuasive eyewitness testimonies within the pages of holy Scripture.  Accordingly, when we trust God’s Proclamation of His Kingdom therein recorded, we get born above as citizens of the New Jerusalem, where our names have gotten written in the Scroll of Life since the disruption of the world by sin.  God knows His real kids, who have amenably accepted His vital Seed and remain in that powerful Explanation of Life, sprouting lovely blossoms and abundant fruit of loving behaviors, along with works even greater than Christ’s own, till the very finish.  The Lord Jesus is now readying many abodes above as shares of his inheritance for family members in the Kingdom of justice, peace, and joy that his Father covenanted with him, awaiting the impending descent of the New Jerusalem as capital of the New Earth God is preparing for us, the populating seed of His New Creation!  Regarding persons from every family, tongue, land, and nation on earth, it shall be said, “This one was born (again!) there.”  Our deadly plight has been transmuted by the ‘Crossurrection’ into our divine right!  Got it?

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