Tag Archives: Daniel 7:14

God was not guilty of the Cross.

Calvinists, of all people, should be able to grasp how a non-penal explanation of the Cross works. God’s “sovereignty” means God oversaw the event of the Cross yet had no part in its “guilt” (sin!), whether construed as “imputed” or otherwise. Simple! [11/01/07]

The function and purpose of punishment is not (cannot be for) payment but only for correction. Therefore restitution or reimbursement, etc., is not a “punishment,” i.e., in order to correct, but to restore peace by repaying the harmed victim.

We Americans may all too easily fall into this punitive error since our justice system tend to view crimes as violation of “state sovereignty” rather than torts, etc. against others that need to be redressed by restoring their losses instead of “paying for” them by jail sentences or fines payable to the court (and which do not reach the poor victims). [11/01/07]  We should ponder more deeply some of the traditional differences between criminal and civil law concepts of justice.  [3/17/16]

The Atonement was not complete until the soul (“which is in the blood) of the Son was glorified by the Father FACE TO FACE IN JUBILANT REUNION! It was the faithfulness of the Son (“in his blood) which made him worthy of “passing through the heavens” to dare approach AS A HUMAN , the “Wholesome of Wholesomes.” This is what caused Daniel the prophet such consternation—“on the clouds of heaven, One as a Son of mankind is arriving and unto the Ancient of Days he reaches and WAS OFFERED [prosenechthe] TO HIM”! THAT’S BIG! THAT’S STAGGERING! It was right there, before the very throne of “The Wholesome One of Israel” where Jesus, the Messiah of Israel, the Son of God and son of humankind dared pass the seraphim to embrace his true Father in his resurrected body to get his glory cranked up by the One who dwelt in otherwise “unapproachable light”! This was the climax of his priestly activities. Here he was bequeathed a much fuller portion of “the LOOT (Isaiah 53:12) which God’s justice apportioned him as the much deserved fruit of “the toil of his soul [which is in the blood]” (Isaiah 53:11), faithful unto death, “even a death of the CROSS (Philippians 2:9). But to get more specific, “To him was granted sovereignty and honor and a kingdom; and all nations, tribes, and languages shall serve [slave for—douleucoucin] him; his authority—an agelong authority—will not pass away, and his kingdom shall not disintegrate” (Daniel 7:14). In other words, “Given to me was ALL AUTHORITY IN HEAVEN AND ON THE EARTH.” Ergo: “Going, then, disciple all the nations, immersing them into the name of the Father [“the Ancient of Days”] and the Son [“One as a son of mankind”] and the Wholesome Spirit [“the loot”], teaching them to be keeping all, whatever I direct you. And lo! I am with you all the days till the conclusion of the age. Amen.” (Matthew 28:18-20). [11/01/07]

The closer our theology of Atonement adheres to the opinions of Anselm and Calvin, the more “crude” they will necessarily be. These are the major progenitors of those crudities that so many dissenters have taken in hand to expose so often. This crudeness is inextricable, however, for it inheres in their many departures from Biblical vocabulary and usage. Nothing can ever redeem such notions for they refuse to get reconciled to the inspired explanations of Scripture; “crudity” is their eternal reproach. We, however, must leave them and cleave to wholesome Scripture. [11/01/07]

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Filed under The Atonement