Tag Archives: Colossians 2:20-23

God’s love and graciousness never left Jesus, so can never leave us if we abide in him.

It would be a pity if all my writings and recordings on the Atonement, in which I have earnestly, even passionately, sought to correct the massive error of penal substitution, were themselves to get picked to pieces dismissively on account of all my smaller errors so as to discredit THE GRAND RESURRECTIONARY TRUTH I have labored and agonized to RESTORE and ARTICULATE and CLARIFY and ILLUSTRATE in a host of ways against every weapon and bulwark of medieval and otherwise diabolical darkness.  [01/13/08]

God’s voluminous love and graciousness were never deflected from Jesus, His ever well-pleasing and beloved Son; they endured faithful ALL THE WAY THROUGH THE CROSS AND INTO HADES ITSELF!  It is for this very reason that nothing is able to separate us from the LOVE OF GOD IN MESSIAH JESUS, OUR MASTER (Romans 8:31-39), because GOD IS FOR US (Romans 8:31, Psalm 118:6-7) and our life is HID TOGETHER WITH THE MESSIAH IN GOD (Colossians 3:3), for we were RAISED TOGETHER WITH HIM (Colossians 3:1) who died and was raised FOR/OVER us (2 Corinthians 5:15).

THIS IS THE PRECISE REASON WHY THERE IS NOW NO CONDEMNATION TO THOSE IN MESSIAH JESUS (Romans 8:1), BECAUSE WHEN HE WAS TREACHEROUSLY CONDEMNED TO DIE, HIS FATHER RAISED HIM EXPLOSIVELY TO A VITALIZING FRESH LIFE BY DIVINE RIGHTEOUSNESS, THEREBY SIMULTANEOUSLY CONDEMNING SIN INSTEAD, and retroactively NAILING TO HIS CROSS THE SINAITIC HANDWRITING OF DECREES (e.g., circumcision, Sabbaths, festivals, etc., Colossians 2:8-23)) AGAINST US, WHICH WAS HOSTILE TO US, AND HAS TAKEN IT AWAY OUT OF THE MIDST, GETTING THE SOVEREIGNTIES AND AUTHORITIES OF THIS PRESENT DARKNESS STRIPPED OFF WITH A FLOURISH LIKE A CIRCUMCISED FORESKIN, FOR DARING TO MAKE THE EVER-BLESSED SON OF GOD ACCURSED BY HANGING HIM ON A TREE! AND GOD LAUGHED!  (Colossians 2:14-15, Galatians 3:13)  For by crucifying their Jewish Messiah, the Jews thereby KILLED THE ENMITY IN JESUS’ CIRCUMCISED BODY OF FLESH, SO RENDERING HIM A UNIVERSAL SOVEREIGN INSTEAD, BY WAY OF DIVINELY JUST COMPENSATION IN HIS RESURRECTION FROM THE DEAD!  This little unintended consequence of their crucifying Jesus, the divinely approved Messiah, instantly abolished all the “just statutes for the flesh” (Hebrews 9:10) and elementary rules of culture in accord with the directions and teachings of humans that sound so wise but breed such hubris and judicial misbehavior, invalidating the Explanation of God and enslaving His free children (Colossians 2:20-23, Galatians 4:8-10, Ephesians 2:11-16, Galatians 5:1-6) by such corrupt traditions (Matthew 15:1-9, Mark 7:1-16).  [01/16/08]


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