Daily Archives: October 1, 2014

The bane of painting every sin with the same brush.

By assessing each and every sin, per se, on the same level, without nuance, and with equal abhorrence “in the eyes of God” (although God Himself seemed to “see” things somewhat otherwise!), penal substitution advocates backhandedly and surely unintentionally (?) make it difficult for the saints to deal properly appropriately, proportionately, propitiously (!) with the sins of our neighbors and brothers. BY PAINTING EVERY SIN WITH THE SAME BRUSH, AND EVERY STROKE IN BLACK, EVERYTHING RUNS TOGETHER INTO A PORTRAYAL OF INDISTINGUISHABLE EVILS AND UNRELIEVED BLEAKNESS This shows lack of discernment, to say the least. And when it shows up in “preaching” (where strident exaggeration feels right at home) then this undiscerning rhetoric does untold damage to human relations at every level.

However, once we start to grasp the true sweep and broad horizon of the Atonement, our own assessment of sins takes on a different hue. Thereafter we start to deal with them a bit more understandingly. We can better comprehend their true origin, variation, severity, effects, proper penalties or disciplinary measures, forgiveability, rootedness, culpability or innocence, guilt, solutions, etc., etc. May God grant us discernment and graciousness, with due fear! [11/08/07]

Suffering per se is not redemptive; liberation from suffering, now that’s redemptive! It’s because Western theology is so Cross-in-isolation oriented that this strange, delusive “paradox” has overtaken us. Poverty is not “liberating”! Sickness is not “healing”! Let’s get over it! The Resurrection pre-eminently proved that death is not vivifying either! Away with such senseless and numbing paradoxes! SALVATION MEANS GETTING SAVED FROM EVILS, PURE & SWEET! [11/08/07]

PENAL SUBSTITUTION” IS BANKRUPT. To be sure, its defenders, apologists, advocates, and proponents keep going to the bank and investing in it, but it is not paying credible dividends. This is becoming even scandalously evident in the wake of post-modern sentiment and adverse cultural winds. Against such critical waves the Truth, of course, remains impervious, but “penal substitution” is suffering heavy losses from the shaking and quaking. The resurrectionary power of authentically divine RESTORATIVE JUSTICE is stirring and rising and stretching and casting aside these medieval, dark age accretions [11/08/07]

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Filed under The Atonement

God MADE CONCESSIONS in order to MAKE PEACE with Mankind

The Apostle Paul can get proudin the cross of our Master Jesus Messiah” (Galatians 6:14) for one supreme an very pregnant reason:  Christ is alive from the dead by corroborated resurrection! Aside and apart from that “little” detail, all too easily smudged over by evangelical theologians eager to “glorify” the cross on its own, Paul would have had precisely nothing to say about, and even less to do with, that bloodied relic! He’s a man of resurrection faith, and that’s why the cross can be heartily boasted in! It’s an empty weapon, and that’s why he can be fearless around it! GET IT?! [11/08/07]

God hates only because He loves! He hates sin and starts building up a head of wrath against its accumulations because sin brings grievous, destructive evils upon those whom He loves. [11/08/07]

How do we, how do nations, make peace and get reconciled? EACH SACRIFICES SOMETHING. There can be no abiding peace without sacrifices. EVERY ARMISTICE, EVERY TRUCE, EVERY TREATY ENTAILS: CONCESSIONS ON BOTH SIDES. ALL SUCH GIVING IN, YIELDING, AND GIVING UP OF DESIRES, TERRITORIES, PRIVILEGES, RIGHTS, etc., SPELLS  S * A * C * R * I * F * I * C * E.

The startling, even stunning, indeed, STAGGERING implication of this fact is that GOD MADE PEACE WITH HUMANITY BY MAKING THE SACRIFICE OF HIS OWN SINLESS SON. In other words…GOD PACIFIED, APPEASED, OR PROPITIATED US! Let that STUPENDOUS fact sink in deep. This is the wellspring of our peace and every good flowing from it. GOD OFFERED JESUS…TO US! The only question left is WILL WE ACCEPT GOD’S PEACE OFFERING AND MAKE UP WITH HIM? WILL WE BE CONCILIATED ON SUCH GENEROUS TERMS?

God bent over backward and TOUCHED THE GROUND to demonstrate how far He was willing to go to win us back. Thereby He proved that HE WAS NEVER OUR ENEMY, BUT ONLY HATED THE SINS THAT WERE HURTING US AND THAT HURT HIM. (How about a kiss!) [11/08/07]

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Filed under The Atonement